The Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health (RIAIMH) supports reflective, relationship-based, cultural humility, and evidence-based practices that help professionals promote infant and early childhood mental health.
We promote a nationally recognized set of infant mental health competency guidelines and an Infant Mental Health Endorsement® system to recognize the specialized knowledge and expertise of the diverse array of professionals in Rhode Island’s infant, early childhood, and family workforce.
We offer workshops and trainings for professionals who represent a wide array of disciplines, such as nursing, social work, psychology, early care and education, pediatrics, medicine, child welfare, and early intervention.
We foster a community of mutual support, resource sharing and collaboration for our interdisciplinary members and other professionals who work with or care for pregnant women, young children and their families.
We help our members stay up to date on news, best practices, and professional development opportunities. We encourage our members to get involved, share resources, and learn from one another, too.
Researchers founded us in 2002, and our work remains firmly rooted in theoretical knowledge, scientific inquiry and evidence-based practice. RIAIMH members have the opportunity to participate on the national Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health Research Committee, which works to contribute evidence for issues such as the effectiveness of attachment-based interventions and strategies to assess reflective supervision/consultation.
We collaborate with state and national partners to implement
evidence-based initiatives and improve
outcomes for young children and families.
We advocate for resources and informed practices within governmental and regulatory institutions to further the social and emotional well-being of young children and their families in Rhode Island.