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Do you have a question about Endorsement? JOIN the RIAIMH Virtual Office Hours.

TUESDAY 12-1pm  and THURSDAY 11am-12pm

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 889 1232 7278 Passcode: 526178

The Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health (RIAIMH) Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health® (RI-IMH-Endorsement®) is intended to recognize experiences that lead to competency in the infant-family field. It does not replace licensure or certification, but instead is meant as evidence of specialization in this field.

RI-IMH-Endorsement® is cross-sector and multidisciplinary, including professionals from child and/or human development, education, nursing, pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and others. Endorsement® indicates an individual's efforts to specialize in the promotion/practice of infant mental health within his/her chosen discipline.

RI-IMH-Endorsement® reflects the community’s commitment to supporting a high-quality workforce that integrates best practices for infant mental health into all programs that serve infants, young children, and families. 

Benefits of Endorsement®

  • Participate in an internationally recognized workforce development system that can advance you along multiple career pathways in the infant, early childhood, and family field.
  • Develop your ability to apply infant mental health principles to your practice.
  • Receive recognition for your commitment to high-quality practice and for your specialized education, work experiences, training, and reflective supervision/consultation experiences.
  • Benefits: Impact on the Workforce
    When asked what Endorsement® means to professionals, they told us that Endorsement® has allowed them to have a better understanding of infant mental health work, that they are better prepared to work with families with very young children, that they obtained more relevant training and reflective supervision than the would have otherwise, and that it increased their credibility.  
    To date, over 2,600 professionals have earned Endorsement® internationally!

  • Benefits: Impact on Babies, Young Children & Families
    When asked about how the Endorsement® process benefits families, professionals told us that they are more "well-rounded" providers due to requirements for reflective supervision and training, that they are better informed about 0-6 yr old development, attachment, and disorders because of studies for the Exam, that they are better advocates in court, and that they have increased breadth of theory and treatment approaches for 0 - 6 year olds.

Getting started

  1. Make sure your RIAIMH membership is ACTIVE.
  2. Download the 2025 Endorsement Applicant Booklet
  3. Review graphic below to help you choose your best Endorsement Category.
  4. Log-In or Create your EASy account:

This tool is to help start your Endorsement experience.  

You may find that you don't "fit" perfectly in one track.

Please consult with your Endorsement Coordinator for support.

Meet with the Endorsement Coordinator!  ... Virtual Office Hours with Maryann 

You are welcome to join the zoom meeting for the whole hour or just a few minutes. I meet with applicants who zoom-in, one-on-one during the call, first to arrive will be invited into the meeting.  The waiting room will be available if there is more than one person logged in.  If you wish to schedule a non-office hour time to meet, please email me at

TUESDAY 12-1pm  and THURSDAY 11am-12pm

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 889 1232 7278 Passcode: 526178

RIAIMH is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

RIAIMH is a founding member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.

RIAIMH is an affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health.

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