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Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health logo

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Become a member

Membership in the Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health (RIAIMH) is required to pursue Endorsement®  through our organization. Membership also connects you with resources, discounts, and a statewide network of professionals committed to supporting young children’s healthy development. We invite you to join our community!

2024 Member Benefits

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* Membership level

Annual membership fees

Individual RIAIMH membership costs $30/year (I/EC professionals) and $10 (Undergraduate and Graduate Students*)

Membership is active from January 1st - December 31st.

Renewal is accepted starting November 1st for the next year. Memberships are not automatically renewed. 

Organizations may sponsor individual staff membership.  Cost is $30/staff member. Individual memberships provided to staff through Agency sponsorship are held by the individual staff person. If the staff person's job changes such that they are no longer at the sponsored agency, the membership stays with the individual. Memberships are non-transferrable.

If interested in sponsoring please contact If you want to find out if your agency sponsors memberships, check in with your supervisor. 

*Student memberships are approved for current UNDERGRADUATE OR GRADUATE STUDENTS, who are enrolled in an Infant and/or Early Childhood focused discipline of study, who would like to learn more about Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health and are concerned with the social and emotional well-being of pregnant women, young children (birth to six), and their families.

How to join

All Infant & Early Childhood Professionals Welcome! It only takes about 5 minutes to complete the form below and pay the membership fee online*.

We use Wild Apricot to manage our memberships. Please proceed through the prompts below, filling out all necessary information. You will be provided with an option to pay online at the end. *RIAIMH adds a small credit card fee to online purchases to off set the cost of offering the convenience of online purchases.

Agencies are also welcome to become Membership Sponsoring Agencies. Individual memberships provided to staff through Agency sponsorship are held by the individual staff person. If the staff person's job changes such that they are no longer at the sponsored agency, the membership stays with the individual. Memberships are non-transferrable.

Email for more information. 

RIAIMH is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

RIAIMH is a founding member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.

RIAIMH is an affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health.

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