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Endorsement® Renewal

The Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health (RIAIMH) maintains requirements for renewal of the RIAIMH Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (RI-IECMH-Endorsement®) that are aligned with practices supported by The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health (Alliance).

Contact us at with any questions.


1. Endorsed® professionals will ATTEST to completing all renewal requirements. Professionals are no longer required to enter training or RSC information into their applications for renewal. 

2. RIAIMH no longer requires a renewal fee.

3. Renewal is due every 3 years.

2024 Renewal Requirements: During the 2024 Renewal Attestation process, the requirements will remain 1) RIAIMH membership, 2) 15h of IECMH training, 3) 12h of RSC (FS, MHS, MHM categories).


2027 Renewal Requirements:

1. Active RIAIMH Membership.
2. Receive and track 45 hours (over 3 years) of relationship-based training and/or professional development related to the promotion of infant/toddler or early childhood social-emotional health and development and/or the practice of Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH).
- 3 out of 45 hours of training need to be about DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in IECMH.
- 15 out of 45 hours of training need to be about the provision of RSC, for professionals who provide RSC.
3. Receive at least 36 hours/year of RSC for categories: FS, MHS, MHM.

Did you just become Endorsed - Congratulations!!

If an endorsed professional submitted an application in 2024, they are not required to renew until 2027. This time will allow professionals to accumulate hours toward their Renewal Attestation, but they are required to keep their RIAIMH membership current annually.

For example, if an applicant becomes endorsed in September of 2024.  This professional will renew during the October -December 2027 renewal period.

Removal & Reinstatement if Endorsement® Lapses:

If a professional fails to update their RIAIMH membership and/or annual Endorsement® renewal by January 31st of any year they will be removed from the Endorsement® Registry (after multiple attempts on behalf of the RIAIMH to reach out and request updates).


If a professional would like to be reinstated to the Endorsement® Registry after removal, they must:

  • Must have an up to date RIAIMH membership. 


  • Log into their application, update AIMH Membership expiration date, add any new education, work, in-service training and reflective supervision/consultation experiences that have been accrued since removal from the registry.  They do not have to create a new application for this purpose. 

  • Request three updated reference ratings (via EASy) 

  • Remit Endorsement Processing Fee payment.  

RIAIMH is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

RIAIMH is a founding member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.

RIAIMH is an affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health.

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