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Foundations of IECMH: Core Principles and Practices

  • 03/04/2025
  • 03/25/2025
  • 3 sessions
  • 03/04/2025, 12:30 PM 4:30 PM (EST)
  • 03/18/2025, 12:30 PM 4:30 PM (EDT)
  • 03/25/2025, 12:30 PM 4:30 PM (EDT)
  • Hybrid- Meeting Street and Virtual
  • 14




Foundations of Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health

(IECMH):Core Principles and Practices

Join Us!

RIAIMH is offering a 12-hour training series designed for professionals in the infant and early childhood community who are interested in learning about (or reviewing) core IECMH concepts. In this series, professionals will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the importance of IECMH principles and practice as related to their work.  We will discuss and explore: a) early development and mental health core concepts; b) the critical role of relationships for optimal developmental outcomes; c) the role of culture in relationship building and caregiving practices and d) the power of reflection and self-awareness to support a strong working alliance with families. 

Facilitated by: Sheila Grant Orphanides, MS, IMH-Endorsed® Faculty

Dates:  Tuesdays, March 4, March 18, March 25

Time: 12:30-4:30pm


Session 1: Meeting Street, 1000 Eddy St., Building B, Providence, RI*

Session 2:  Virtual via Zoom (link will follow)

Session 3: Meeting Street, 1000 Eddy St., Building B, Providence, RI*

*In the event of inclement weather, the sessions will be held virtually


More information will follow before the sessions. If you have any questions, please reach out to  

  • Registration is offered at NO COST to participants (includes NASW CEUs & CELP credits, as desired).
  • Suggested IMH-Competencies®:  Relationship-focused practice (2h); Attachment (1h); Infant/Young Child development and behavior (1h); Family relationships (1h), Cultural Humility (3h); Pregnancy and early parenthood (1h); Mental and behavioral disorders in adults (1h) Reflection: Self-Awareness (1hr), Curiosity (1h), IMH Endorsement® applicants may select other appropriate IMH Competencies® 

This series is supported in part by funds from RI EOHHS.

RIAIMH is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

RIAIMH is a founding member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.

RIAIMH is an affiliate of the World Association for Infant Mental Health.

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